Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Photographer : Heloise Faure

I can't remember now where i came across this photographer, but I find this image mesmerizing.  It's titled "Fernanda".
See more here

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kinfolk + James's + Britt Chudleigh

Chels just did a few stellar write ups (here and here) on our little collaboration for Kinfolk Magazine so I will refer you to them instead of doing another.  I'm really proud of it though, so I wanted to post it on my own blog.  I am so glad we got the chance to work together on this.

What a dream team (Kinfolk + James's + Britt Chudleigh).  If only we could all find more reasons to work together!  I know my fingers will be crossed.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Ever since we moved in together I have been telling Tom that when we have our own house (in a duplex now where our neighbor has full reign over the back yard) that I want an outside bed.  I've been running the logistics of this through my head for almost a full year now until I came across this beauty.  I will have an outdoor sleeping quarter one day.  Mark my words!