I found this artist via Micheal Rosenthal Gallery emails I receive [I added myself to their email list after walking in off of the street in San Fransisco]. So far I've only seen Mooney's work through their site - but I would love to see them in person. Also on the list of upcoming shows at MR Gallery: Amy Casey - just did a post on her work a few weeks ago. [scroll down to check her out]
I have been on the prowl for a long dress (or skirt) for the last oh, 6-9 months. This is literally one of the first that I really liked - and it's $275. perfect.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I do wish I could afford these paintings by Amy Casey. I like her dusty whimsical style. Plus she's got a sweet little web page too.
This one is said to be made from icicles and saliva - genius
Neil introduced me to this artist while we were at the Denver Museum of Fine Art. He uses materials from nature to create his work. I enjoy that they are temporary as well. It's kind of like all of nature - there can be so much beauty and greatness, but it's delicate and often temporary.
This little guy is from North Carolina. I'm just now realizing that it could be seen as falic? Ah well, I've wanted to go to NC forever. One day, one day.